Unfortunately, as soon as they got home (she has two kids), the dog apparently fell down the stairs and died. The poor thing was 13 years old and not in good shape. She said he was really part of the family. She put him in blanket in a paper box, lighted a candle and few Incense sticks and they took turns on watching him the whole night. They said it's custom in japan to watch dead people during the whole night, they did it for the dog, too, since it has been with them quite long time, so they felt they owed it to him as a last goodbye.
In the meantime, during the whole story i was busy trying to breath some oxigen. I have no idea what my classmates eat for breakfast, but the air was really heavy with garlic smell. I've tried to ask some of them and some suggestions were that they probably had some kimchy (spicy cabbage with garlic...some kind of sour taste. I thought they eat it in Korea only, but it seems that in china they eat it a lot, too).
Anyhow I've tried to inquiry at the source of the smell, and the answer was "I had nothing for breakfast". Wow! i thought...then it was from yesterday night...
I heard soo many theories about Garlic during the past years. People eating garlic swear that garlic has no side effect if eaten as they say. Some say "If you eat it Row doesn't smell". Others say "If you cook it, no smell", some others "Swallow it in one piece", "Smash it and drink it with water", "Just add it in big pieces to the food and take it out when done cooking". Then others, defending the natural healing power, suggest to mix it with pure alcohol, leave it there for few weeks, and drink a spoon each morning. But guys, i've always smelled it, that's why i've enquired and you told me how you got to eat it daily... no matter how, and no matter how healthy is... it kills anyone near you ;) !
I remember when i spent few weeks in Thailand on holidays. There, everyone eat garlic everyday and quite some amount. But it didn't bother me too much...maybe because in thailand, is soo hot, that you almost never find yourself in closed spaces. In the outside, then, is not too bad...
Well, history tells that if your counterpart has a powerful weapon, you need to have a mightier one... watch out classmates... you don't want me to have to do that...do you? ;)
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