How to spend the first day of Summer? Well, the weather is not soo hot. We have about 26 degrees at the moment and a little windy, so it's not too hot and at night is kind of chilly... so, today i went to the park near the school and ate my 2 rice balls and read a book for a while.
I'm currently reading a book called "Shockwave" which tells the story of the first Atomic Bomb, from both sides...the Americans...and the Japanese. I Will not go into the matter of right or wrong, but if you want to get a feeling of what happened during that time, this book is really well written. I'm about at 30% of the book right now.
One of my dormitory roomate, didn't start well this season. Going to school with his bycicle he had an accident and was taken to the hospital. He had quite a concussion on his face and legs but nothing very serious, but still, he needed medical attention. Well, imagine what... the Thai Guy in our class witnessed the accident...and... just kept walking to school. In class when we asked were is our classmate (since we saw him at the dormitory) he just said..."Oh, he had an accident, i think they will take him to the hospital". We wondered why he didn't stay there and help him, since his japanese is quite good as he has been living in Japan for the past 4 years... I guess we will never know...
Anyway, beside this little accident, on the afternoon i bought a ticket for the "Star Trek" movie (see picture). The first day of the month and the 16th day of the month, the ticket is almost half price, 1000 yen (12 francs) instead of 1800 yen (20 francs).... If you like adventure and Sci-fi... it's a nice movie :)
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