For instance, if you wear a shirt that is not perfectly ironed, in switzerland they would look at you a little bit as you were kind of strange. Here, they might notice, but they don't really make a big thing of it. And believe me when i say, that sometimes, what you see, cannot be explained...
Unfortunately, for the time being, you need to take my word for it...because as strange as you can be, and as known japanese are to be fanatics of Photo cameras when they are on holidays, here, is really taken badly if you shoot pictures in the wrong place.
The picture thing has come to this level because some japanese used to go "underwear picture hunting" at train stations. Some used mobile phones, some used hidden cameras. So, now, if they see someone taking pictures, they might not take it the right way.
By the way, i only discovered a while ago, that in japan, mobile phones, even if set to "Quiet Mode", they cannot silent the camera taking pictures. So, you cannot just pretend you are playing with your phone...while you take a picture, or anyone around you, would know instantly what you are doing when they hear the shutter sound...
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