There is an article with all the details on wikipedia, but to give you an idea, some of the most interesting thins are that Nara was the Capital City of Japan for about 70 years, from the 710 to the 780 a.c
The Picture above was taken friday. Is a view of the Todaji Temple. The interesting thing is that this building is the biggest Wooden building in the world.
The picture below was taken in november (HDR) and it shows a dramatic view from one of the many temples.

At the same time, some schools, before the Golden week as last Thursday, use to go sightseing and therefore, we met a lot of young school children...

They are really nice and during the hour of train to get to nara, they asked many things, like what is my shoes size, my weight...and wondered how big was my nose. You might laught at it, but in japan, many times happened that people, even adults, make a comment on my nose. They kind of like bigger noses and i was told that should be taken as a compliment.
So, after getting to nara, we all said goodbye, but before that, a nice group photo :) Sayonara my little friends!

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