As you might already know, japanese apartments are really small, therefore having a pet like a dog or a cat, might be a little bit difficult. So, here we are... Ants Capital comes handy!

Put the pouder in the supplied vase, add water, heat it up in the microwave and the whole turns into some kind of colored jelly.
Now, you can get out in the garden, find few ants, and there we go! You got your own pet. You can now look how ants build their new home. I don't know exactly what they eat, but maybe they can eat the jelly...no idea...
I spoke about this with my sister, and she said that something similar is on sale in Europe as well, so not really something new, but still interesting.
But wait... two other things ;)
Now, you can get out in the garden, find few ants, and there we go! You got your own pet. You can now look how ants build their new home. I don't know exactly what they eat, but maybe they can eat the jelly...no idea...
I spoke about this with my sister, and she said that something similar is on sale in Europe as well, so not really something new, but still interesting.
But wait... two other things ;)

If you want to go for the "Professional" Version, the above is the one tested by nasa into space. Now, i really wonder, how many of their customers might find it handy to have a space-travel-proof vase?... no idea, but in any case, if you plan to move off-world, you can bring it with you ;)...

If all your friends got already "Ants Capital" or the "Antorium", well, you have another chance. Here the "Holoholo". A small acquarium for growing... shrimps. The one in the picture is quite big, but if you have space problems, i've seen other versions as small as a small jelly vase, that you can keep in your pocket so that you can take a look of your pet anytime...anywhere.
So, pet lovers out there, if you are not allowed to have cats or dogs ... you still have a chance to get a...different pet. ;)
So, pet lovers out there, if you are not allowed to have cats or dogs ... you still have a chance to get a...different pet. ;)
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