Every year in Kobe at the beginning of December, there is a 14 days memorial called "Luminarie". It started the first time in december 1995, the year of the big Heartquake. It is a play of Lights with Italian/Japanese design.
Every year, about 6 Million people come to visit it. All around there are small shops selling all kind of delicious food and candies.

My absolute favorite, is the "Yaki-tori" which means grilled chicken. You can have in two different ways: Salt'n Pepper or Soya sauce. I prefer the Salt'n Pepper style which is really good...
(I think you can tell from my face ;)

This year, one of the big hits, is the followin:

Can you guess what this is? Some people thought is an apple, but it's a potato. A Fried twisted potato called "Tornado Potato" or, to say it in japanese "トルネードポテト" (Torunedo-Poteto).
I really enjoyed the food. I went there 4 times to try different things. Can't wait for the next time!
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